World Bee Day is celebrated on May 20th each year. It is all about raising awareness of the absolute importance of bees and other pollinators for our ecosystem and our food supplies. This special day highlights the critical role pollinators play in not just essential agriculture but also for biodiversity. It’s about looking after bees, their fellow creatures and all their different habitats. It’s about the urgent need to take action to protect pollinators from multiple threats such as habitat loss, pesticides, and climate change. World Bee Day encourages individuals, communities, and governments to take steps to support bee populations and ensure their survival forRead More →


By Ann Marie Shillito This second post is about creating Ava’s accessories and garments, about my digital and VR process producing her accessories, while Little Peril Studio’s Megan Mackay created our avatars’ gorgeous garments. This image is Ava, my avatar and one of six created for the HiddenFloors project introduced in my first post. HiddenFloors was an amazing project to be part of. I gained so much from this project as it offered the opportunity to be more expansive, to scale up, play in new ways and collaborate with designers in the fashion sector. I wanted to explore further the potential for creating virtual piecesRead More →

From the HiddenFloors project, a virtual fashion event with 6 model avatars, this image shows Ava avatar modelling a shiny lilac coloured skin-tight top and shorts under a full length diaphanous lilac coloured gown created by Little Peril Studio. Her huge and sumptuous head dress of flowing multicoloured swirls floats above her red hair and as she walks she is followed by numerous colourful flying pet objects. She also wears a large decorative front piece of shiny metallic swirls.


HiddenFloors Project showcases world-wide the collaborations of 12 amazing fashion designers and applied artists, using digital & immersive media to connect to audiences & international buyers without the costs and environmental impact of travel and organising physical exhibitions and runway shows.