AnarkikCreations posts cover what we are about, the unique products we create, we design and 3D print for you to truly indulge your inner maverick.

This composite image shows a honey bee in the top picture buzzily collecting pollen from the flowers of a bolted leek! The picture below shows Ann Marie Shillito's Bee pin, an oval frame enclosing a golden honeycomb with a a single bee on it.

World Bee Day

World Bee Day is celebrated on May 20th each year. It is all about raising awareness of the absolute importance of bees and other pollinators for our ecosystem and our food supplies. This special day highlights the critical role pollinators play in not just essential agriculture but also for biodiversity. It’s about looking after bees, their fellow creatures and all their different habitats. It’s about the urgent need to take action to protect pollinators from multiple threats such as habitat loss, pesticides, and climate change.

World Bee Day encourages individuals, communities, and governments to take steps to support bee populations and ensure their survival for the benefit of our planet and future generations.

Brooch designed by Ann Marie Shillito, worn by Bjorn [see Portrait]. 3D printed in while polymide.

men wearing jewellery: be inspired, release your inner maverick!

Here is a quote from a BBC article in 2019: ‘In recent years, the codes governing masculinity have been loosening up, and with this the traditional lines between masculine and feminine fashion are blurring. Although jewellery is conventionally a female domain, we’re now seeing men experimenting with it more than ever before.’

This Poster for the exhibition '100 Jewels by 100 Women, being held at Double Door Studios in Dundee in June 2021, shows a handful of contemporary jewels!

Anarkik Creations Blog post: 100 Jewels by 100 Women Exhibition in Dundee

Three of the Jewellery Designer/ Makers associated with Anarkik Creations Jewellery are taking part in an exhibition: ‘100 Jewels By 100 Women’. Hosed by Dundee’s newest creative enterprise and exhibition space Double Door Studios this exhibition celebrates talented craftswomen who have worked, studied or lived in Dundee, Scotland.

Ann Earls Boylan Contemporary Jewellery

Anarkik Creations Blog Post: Contemporary Working Women In The Jewellery Workshop

“What is women’s work? Why do we have to have a workshop, and is our domestic workshop good enough?” Anne Earls Boylan is a jewellery designer/ maker based in Northern Ireland. Social and political issues influence her conversational jewellery pieces. I interviewed Anne to chat about her most recent jewellery, which reflects on the notion of working from a domestic space in a subtle way.

Anarkik Creations Blog post: The Path to Making Jewellery

My favourite part of making something is observing the objects and forms that I take inspiration from, and the making process. There are endless possibilities of how I could use materials to make jewellery.

Koala neckpiece by Birgit Lakin: Made using Melamine - Plastics are precious to many artists and designer-makers.

Anarkik Creations Blog post: Plastics are precious.

Many artists and designer-makers use a collaborative approach with our environment when sourcing materials. This is one of the most important parts of the design process. It is an investment into our practice and ultimately will turn into an object or wearable piece for a customer to cherish.

A statement neckpiece by Genna Delaney: Choosing a piece of jewellery for ourselves can also be a joyful process.

Anarkik Creations Blog post: What does jewellery do for us?

Contemporary jewellery is like a piece of artwork; it is so individualised. We wear it to feel confident, to comfort us, to stand out, to remember. Choosing a piece of jewellery for ourselves can also be a joyful process.

This is an image of Jane who is wearing a statement neckpiece of bright pink 3D printed cluster of buds.

Anarkik Creations Blog post: Love Yourself and buying jewellery for you

Jane recently bought one of Ann Marie Shillito’s pink Bud Pendants. A Textile Design graduate and based in Edinburgh, she loves wearing statement pieces of jewellery. “I like wearing jewellery that’s a bit unusual. Little jewellery does nothing for me, the bigger and bolder the better!”